We recommend that you register a limited liability company - EOOD or OOD, as it has a number of advantages over Sole Proprietorship.
The name/company must be written in Bulgarian. BONUS! We will check with the Commercial Register whether the name is not taken or inappropriate and we will notify you if a correction is necessary.
The name must be written in Bulgarian. BONUS! We will check with the Commercial Register whether the name is not taken or inappropriate and we will notify you if a correction is necessary.
In case you want the company to be written in a foreign language, please indicate how you want the company to be written in a foreign language. This field is optional!
In case you want the company to be written in a foreign language, please indicate how you want the company to be written in a foreign language. This field is optional!
(the date to be stated in all documents)
(the date to be stated in all documents)
city/village, street no., block, entrance, floor, apartment, postal code
city/village, street no., block, entrance, floor, apartment, postal code
You can specify one or more activities. The specified activity does not limit the merchant and the latter can also perform other activities. The only limitation provided by the Commercial Law is that the subject of activity does not contradict the law and good morals.
Subject of activity (Example)
Consulting, economic services; purchase and sale of goods in processed or processed form in the country and abroad; foreign and domestic trade activity; commercial representation and mediation; transport activity with own or hired transport; rent a car; construction, repair and installation activities; engineering, processing; repair and service; trade in excise goods - tobacco and spirits /after license/; production activity; real estate transactions and real rights; cumulatively - household services /after issuing a license for the activities for which it is required/, as well as any other services and activities that are not prohibited by law, after obtaining the relevant permit or registration for the activities for which a permit is provided by law, license or registration mode.
The statutory minimum capital is BGN 2. If you are going to register a company with a minimum capital, we recommend that you specify a capital of BGN 100.
The minimum size of one share is BGN 1. Example division: BGN 100 capital: 100 shares of BGN 1 or 10 shares up to BGN 10.
A sole proprietorship can only be a person, not a company!
The founder of an EOOD can be a Bulgarian citizen, permanent resident, or foreign person. For an individual, please indicate the three names and unique identification number. For a legal entity, please indicate the name and unique identification code.
The co-founder of an LLC can be a Bulgarian citizen, permanent resident, or foreign person. For an individual, please indicate the three names and unique identification number. For a legal entity, please indicate the name and unique identification code.
Please indicate the ID/Passport card number, the date it was issued, and the agency that issued it
This is the address on the ID card. Please specify: city/village, street no., block, entrance, floor, apartment
The co-founder of an LLC can be a Bulgarian citizen, permanent resident, or foreign person. For an individual, please indicate the three names and unique identification number. For a legal entity, please indicate the name and unique identification code.
Please indicate the ID/Passport card number, the date it was issued, and the agency that issued it
The co-founder of an LLC can be a Bulgarian citizen, permanent resident, or foreign person. For an individual, please indicate the three names and unique identification number. For a legal entity, please indicate the name and unique identification code.
Please indicate the ID/Passport card number, the date it was issued, and the agency that issued it
Manager/s of the company can only be individuals. The manager(s) can be partners or outsiders.
Please indicate the ID/Passport card number, the date it was issued, and the agency that issued it
This is the address on the ID card. Please specify: city/village, street no., block, entrance, floor, apartment
Manager/s of the company can only be individuals. The manager(s) can be partners or outsiders.
Please indicate the ID/Passport card number, the date it was issued, and the agency that issued it
This is the address on the ID card. Please specify: city/village, street no., block, entrance, floor, apartment
Manager/s of the company can only be individuals. The manager(s) can be partners or outsiders.
Please indicate the ID/Passport card number, the date it was issued, and the agency that issued it
This is the address on the ID card. Please specify: city/village, street no., block, entrance, floor, apartment
In the event that E/OOD is registered with capital equal to BGN 2, the latter must be paid in full upon incorporation.
In the event that the Company is registered with a capital higher than BGN 2, at least 70% of the capital must be paid in at the time of establishment.
If you do not wish to contribute the entire capital during the establishment, please indicate in what period the contribution will be made. The deadline for filing cannot be longer than 2 years from the registration of the Company.
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By completing the questionnaire, your order is not complete! After pressing the Send button, you will be redirected to a page where you can fill in your data and choose a payment method. After payment of the order, we will prepare the documents and they will be sent to you within 3 working days!